Occurrence 60022745

The data publisher has removed this record from the GBIF index, but the last version is shown below.

Records no longer in a published dataset are removed from the GBIF index. Publishers may sometimes have reasons to remove individual records or an entire dataset or assign new local identifiers.

  "basisOfRecord": "PreservedSpecimen",
  "catalogNumber": "9233",
  "collectionCode": "SANT",
  "coordinateUncertaintyInMeters": null,
  "countryCode": "ES",
  "day": "16",
  "decimalLatitude": null,
  "decimalLongitude": null,
  "eventDate": "1954-06-16",
  "extensions": {
    "gbif:Multimedia": []
  "family": "Lythraceae",
  "genus": "Punica",
  "habitat": null,
  "id": "SANT:SANT:9233-A",
  "informationWithheld": null,
  "infraspecificEpithet": null,
  "institutionCode": "SANT",
  "institutionID": "http://biocol.org/urn:lsid:biocol.org:col:14309",
  "kingdom": "Plantae",
  "locality": "Burriana (Castellón)",
  "month": "6",
  "occurrenceID": "SANT:SANT:9233-A",
  "occurrenceRemarks": null,
  "preparations": "herbarium specimen",
  "recordedBy": "Vernia",
  "references": "http://www.usc.es/herbario",
  "scientificName": "Punica granatum L.",
  "scientificNameAuthorship": "L.",
  "specificEpithet": "granatum",
  "stateProvince": "Cs",
  "typeStatus": null,
  "verbatimCoordinates": null,
  "verbatimElevation": null,
  "year": "1954"