Occurrence 472911259

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  <SourceInstitutionID>European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy (EDIT)</SourceInstitutionID>
  <SourceID>All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory - Gemer (Slovakia)</SourceID>
  <UnitID>ATBI_G42_ZH - 190710-45</UnitID>
            <FullScientificNameString>Coccinella septempunctata Linnaeus, 1758</FullScientificNameString>
  <KindOfUnit language="en"/>
      <PhaseOrStage language="en"/>
          <License language="en">
            <Text>(all rights reserved)</Text>
            <Details>(all rights reserved)</Details>
      <Comment language="en"/>
    <NamedCollectionOrSurvey>ZH - 190710</NamedCollectionOrSurvey>
        <AgentText>T.Dole&#158;al, O.Ko?ínek</AgentText>
    <Method>observational method</Method>
    <LocalityText>Slovenský kras, Zemné hradisko</LocalityText>
      <Name language="en">Slovakia</Name>
        <AreaName>NP Slovenský kras</AreaName>
      <Text language="en">deciduous wood, meadow</Text>
    <Notes language="en"/>