Occurrence 411867969

The data publisher has removed this record from the GBIF index, but the last version is shown below.

Records no longer in a published dataset are removed from the GBIF index. Publishers may sometimes have reasons to remove individual records or an entire dataset or assign new local identifiers.

  "basisOfRecord": "spe",
  "catalogNumber": "http://id.luomus.fi/GZ.332",
  "class": "Insecta",
  "collectionCode": "MZH, Coleoptera palearctica",
  "continent": "Europe",
  "coordinateUncertaintyInMeters": null,
  "countryCode": "gr",
  "datasetID": "http://id.luomus.fi/GX.6",
  "datasetName": "Coleoptera types of John Sahlberg",
  "decimalLatitude": null,
  "decimalLongitude": null,
  "disposition": "Kaappi 122b, laatikko Coccinellidae 15",
  "eventDate": null,
  "id": "http://id.luomus.fi/GZ.332",
  "identificationReferences": "Silfverberg i.l.: minor J.Sahlberg, 1903:84; Chilocorus bipustulatus var. Syntype from Greece: Corfu, J.Sahlb., 423.",
  "identificationRemarks": "verified",
  "identifiedBy": null,
  "individualCount": "1",
  "informationWithheld": "0",
  "institutionCode": "MZH",
  "kingdom": "Animalia",
  "locality": null,
  "locationID": null,
  "modified": "2011-01-10 12.35",
  "municipality": "Corfu",
  "nameAccordingTo": "Sahlberg, J. 1903. Coleoptera Levantina mensibus Februario et Martio in Palaestina et Aegypto inferiore collecta. - Öfvers. Finska Vet.-Soc. Förh. 45(18):1-36.",
  "nomenclaturalCode": "ICZN",
  "occurrenceRemarks": "Corfu J. Sahlb. 423. Mus. Zool. H:fors Spec. Typ. No 759 Chilocorus bipust. v. minor J. Sb.",
  "order": "Coleoptera",
  "originalNameUsage": "Chilocorus bipustulatus var. minor",
  "ownerInstitutionCode": "MZH",
  "phylum": "Arthropoda",
  "recordedBy": "Sahlberg J.",
  "scientificName": "Chilocorus bipustulatus var. minor",
  "scientificNameAuthorship": "J. Sahlberg, 1903",
  "source": "http://id.luomus.fi/GZ.332",
  "stateProvince": null,
  "taxonRank": "var",
  "type": "PhysicalObject",
  "typeStatus": "syntype",
  "verbatimCoordinateSystem": null,
  "verbatimEventDate": null