Occurrence 371093877

The data publisher has removed this record from the GBIF index, but the last version is shown below.

Records no longer in a published dataset are removed from the GBIF index. Publishers may sometimes have reasons to remove individual records or an entire dataset or assign new local identifiers.

  "acceptedNameUsage": "Arachis hypogaea",
  "acceptedNameUsageID": null,
  "associatedReferences": null,
  "associatedTaxa": null,
  "basisOfRecord": "PreservedSpecimen",
  "bibliographicCitation": "Flores-Guido J. S. 1999. Actualización del banco de datos florístico de la Península de Yucatán (BAFLOPY). Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Bases de datos SNIB-CONABIO, proyectos H146 y P112. México, D. F.",
  "catalogNumber": "6764",
  "class": "Equisetopsida",
  "collectionCode": "MEXU",
  "collectionID": "46",
  "coordinateUncertaintyInMeters": null,
  "country": "MEXICO",
  "countryCode": "MX",
  "county": "YAXCABA",
  "datasetID": "ad7489a6cf7795052fb955152b571e35",
  "datasetName": "Actualización del banco de datos florístico de la Península de Yucatán (BAFLOPY)",
  "day": "13",
  "decimalLatitude": "20.575",
  "decimalLongitude": "-88.775",
  "dynamicProperties": "Otros campos / USOS: Comestible Otros campos / ASP - Forma biológica de la especie colectada: Herbácea Otros campos / TAM - Tamaño en metros de la especie al ser colectada: 1 Otros campos / ANU - Ciclo reproductivo (anual yb perenne): anual Otros campos / FLO - Color de la flor: Amarilla Otros campos / ODA - Otros datos: Cacahuate cultivado",
  "endDayOfYear": null,
  "eventDate": "1979-10-13",
  "eventTime": "00:00:00",
  "family": "Fabaceae",
  "fieldNumber": "600",
  "genus": "Arachis",
  "geodeticDatum": null,
  "georeferenceProtocol": null,
  "georeferenceRemarks": null,
  "georeferenceSources": "carta, 1:300000",
  "georeferenceVerificationStatus": null,
  "georeferencedBy": null,
  "georeferencedDate": null,
  "habitat": null,
  "higherClassification": "Plantae; Tracheophyta; Equisetopsida; Fabales; Fabaceae; Arachis",
  "id": "urn:catalog:IBUNAM:MEXU:6764:ad7489a6cf7795052fb955152b571e35",
  "identificationID": "2781",
  "identificationQualifier": null,
  "identifiedBy": "M. Souza",
  "individualCount": "99999999",
  "infraspecificEpithet": null,
  "institutionCode": "IBUNAM",
  "institutionID": "20",
  "kingdom": "Plantae",
  "language": "es",
  "license": "CC-BY",
  "lifeStage": null,
  "locality": "San José",
  "locationID": "1736",
  "maximumDepthInMeters": "0",
  "maximumElevationInMeters": "0",
  "minimumDepthInMeters": "0",
  "minimumElevationInMeters": "20",
  "modified": "2015-12-03",
  "month": "10",
  "nameAccordingTo": "Téllez-Valdés, 2009",
  "namePublishedIn": null,
  "namePublishedInYear": "1753",
  "nomenclaturalStatus": null,
  "occurrenceID": "urn:catalog:IBUNAM:MEXU:6764:ad7489a6cf7795052fb955152b571e35",
  "occurrenceRemarks": null,
  "order": "Fabales",
  "originalNameUsage": null,
  "originalNameUsageID": null,
  "ownerInstitutionCode": "Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México",
  "parentNameUsage": "Arachis",
  "phylum": "Tracheophyta",
  "preparations": null,
  "previousIdentifications": null,
  "recordedBy": "L.M. Arias",
  "rightsHolder": "Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (CONABIO)",
  "samplingProtocol": null,
  "scientificName": "Arachis hypogaea",
  "scientificNameAuthorship": "L., 1753",
  "scientificNameID": "663",
  "sex": null,
  "specificEpithet": "hypogaea",
  "startDayOfYear": "286",
  "stateProvince": "YUCATAN",
  "subgenus": null,
  "taxonID": "0cca800f8b9f9e48651ef307bb7e749a",
  "taxonRank": "species",
  "taxonomicStatus": null,
  "type": "Event",
  "typeStatus": "NO APLICA",
  "verbatimCoordinateSystem": "grados minutos segundos",
  "verbatimDepth": null,
  "verbatimElevation": null,
  "verbatimLatitude": "20 34 99 N",
  "verbatimLongitude": "88 46 99 W",
  "vernacularName": "cacahuate",
  "year": "1979"