Occurrence 345675731

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  <DateLastModified nil="true"/>
  <CatalogNumber>V. L. Cory 53888</CatalogNumber>
  <ScientificName>Solidago nemoralis var. decemflora</ScientificName>
  <ScientificNameAuthor>(DC.) Fernald</ScientificNameAuthor>
  <TypeStatus nil="true"/>
  <Collector>V. L. Cory</Collector>
  <JulianDay nil="true"/>
  <TimeOfDay nil="true"/>
  <ContinentOcean>North America</ContinentOcean>
  <Country>United States of America</Country>
  <County>Gillespie County</County>
  <Longitude nil="true"/>
  <Latitude nil="true"/>
  <CoordinatePrecision nil="true"/>
  <MinimumDepth nil="true"/>
  <MaximumDepth nil="true"/>
  <Sex nil="true"/>
  <IndividualCount nil="true"/>
  <PreviousCatalogNumber nil="true"/>
  <RelationshipType nil="true"/>
  <RelatedCatalogItem nil="true"/>
  <Notes>Stems tufted, erect, 4-4.5 dm. tall.
    Gillespie Co.: 10 miles N.E. of Fredericksburg; frequent on low limestone ridge on roadside.
    Herbarium of Southern Methodist University</Notes>