Occurrence 345675669

The data publisher has removed this record from the GBIF index, but the last version is shown below.

Records no longer in a published dataset are removed from the GBIF index. Publishers may sometimes have reasons to remove individual records or an entire dataset or assign new local identifiers.

  <DateLastModified nil="true"/>
  <CatalogNumber>R. J. O'Kennon 18003</CatalogNumber>
  <ScientificName>Rosa multiflora</ScientificName>
  <Subspecies nil="true"/>
  <TypeStatus nil="true"/>
  <Collector>R. J. O'Kennon</Collector>
  <JulianDay nil="true"/>
  <TimeOfDay nil="true"/>
  <ContinentOcean>North America</ContinentOcean>
  <Country>United States of America</Country>
  <County>Wise County</County>
  <Longitude nil="true"/>
  <Latitude nil="true"/>
  <CoordinatePrecision nil="true"/>
  <MinimumDepth nil="true"/>
  <MaximumDepth nil="true"/>
  <Sex nil="true"/>
  <IndividualCount nil="true"/>
  <PreviousCatalogNumber nil="true"/>
  <RelationshipType nil="true"/>
  <RelatedCatalogItem nil="true"/>
  <Notes>Plants of Texas
    Flora of the LBJ Grasslands
    Wise County
    LBJ Grasslands Unit 49
    N33 19 22.46 W97 34 47.54
    Habitat: Limestone forest at 291 m elevation. First collection for Wise County.
    Botanical Research Institute of Texas</Notes>