Occurrence 113844653

The data publisher has removed this record from the GBIF index, but the last version is shown below.

Records no longer in a published dataset are removed from the GBIF index. Publishers may sometimes have reasons to remove individual records or an entire dataset or assign new local identifiers.

  "acceptedNameUsage": null,
  "acceptedNameUsageID": null,
  "accessRights": null,
  "associatedMedia": null,
  "associatedReferences": "Van Guelpen, L. and M.K. Kennedy. 2011.  The history of Canadian registers of marine species 2001-2009.  Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2906:  iv + 20 pp.",
  "associatedSequences": null,
  "associatedTaxa": null,
  "basisOfRecord": "NomenclaturalChecklist",
  "behavior": null,
  "bibliographicCitation": null,
  "catalogNumber": "Orcinus orca",
  "class": "Mammalia",
  "collectionCode": "BOFSL",
  "collectionID": null,
  "continent": null,
  "coordinatePrecision": "196726",
  "coordinateUncertaintyInMeters": null,
  "countryCode": null,
  "county": null,
  "dataGeneralizations": "This is a regional species list",
  "datasetID": "bofetf",
  "datasetName": "Bay of Fundy Species List",
  "dateIdentified": null,
  "decimalLatitude": "44.97985204",
  "decimalLongitude": "-65.80601556",
  "dynamicProperties": null,
  "establishmentMeans": null,
  "eventDate": null,
  "eventID": null,
  "eventRemarks": null,
  "eventTime": null,
  "family": "Delphinidae",
  "fieldNotes": null,
  "fieldNumber": null,
  "footprintSRS": null,
  "footprintWKT": null,
  "genus": "Orcinus",
  "geodeticDatum": "WGS84",
  "georeferenceProtocol": "Nominal coordinates and precision assigned based on IHO definition",
  "georeferenceRemarks": "nominal coordinates",
  "georeferenceSources": "marineregions.org",
  "habitat": null,
  "higherClassification": null,
  "higherGeography": null,
  "higherGeographyID": null,
  "id": "5844135",
  "identificationID": null,
  "identificationQualifier": null,
  "identificationReferences": null,
  "identificationRemarks": null,
  "identifiedBy": null,
  "individualCount": null,
  "informationWithheld": null,
  "infraspecificEpithet": null,
  "institutionCode": "Huntsman Marine Science Centre - Atlantic Reference Centre (ARC)",
  "institutionID": "http://www.seadatanet.org/urnurl/SDN:EDMO::4764",
  "island": null,
  "islandGroup": null,
  "kingdom": "Animalia",
  "language": "En",
  "license": "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode",
  "lifeStage": null,
  "locality": "Bay of Fundy",
  "locationAccordingTo": null,
  "locationID": "http://marineregions.org/mrgid/4289",
  "locationRemarks": null,
  "materialSampleID": null,
  "maximumDepthInMeters": null,
  "minimumDepthInMeters": null,
  "modified": "2018-10-19",
  "municipality": null,
  "nameAccordingTo": null,
  "nameAccordingToID": null,
  "namePublishedIn": null,
  "namePublishedInID": null,
  "occurrenceID": "5844135",
  "occurrenceRemarks": null,
  "occurrenceStatus": "present",
  "order": "Cetartiodactyla",
  "originalNameUsage": null,
  "originalNameUsageID": null,
  "otherCatalogNumbers": null,
  "ownerInstitutionCode": null,
  "phylum": "Chordata",
  "recordNumber": null,
  "recordedBy": null,
  "references": null,
  "reproductiveCondition": null,
  "rightsHolder": "The Huntsman Marine Science Centre and Fisheries & Oceans Canada",
  "scientificName": "Orcinus orca",
  "scientificNameAuthorship": "(Linnaeus, 1758)",
  "scientificNameID": "urn:lsid:marinespecies.org:taxname:137102",
  "sex": null,
  "specificEpithet": "orca",
  "stateProvince": null,
  "subgenus": null,
  "taxonConceptID": null,
  "taxonID": null,
  "taxonRank": null,
  "taxonRemarks": null,
  "taxonomicStatus": null,
  "type": "Text",
  "typeStatus": null,
  "vernacularName": null,
  "waterBody": "Bay of Fundy",
  "year": null